Our doctors can use blood tests to screen through many different kinds of foods that you may be having sensitivities to.
Food sensitivities have relevance in many conditions including but not limited to: Eczema, Psoriasis, Asthma, Migraines, Fatigue, Weight Gain, MS, IBD (UC and Crohn's), frequent Infections etc.
Testing for food sensitivities is as simple as a finger prick blood test with results in 3-4weeks.
For a list of foods that are tested please click here.
*Please note: An IGG is testing for a sensitivity you may have to certain foods, but it may not be the answer to all your symptoms. Once you have the IGG test done you'll know what foods you are sensitive to, but you won't necessarily find out the reasoning as to why you're having food sensitivities in the first place.
Some examples as to why you may be experiencing food sensitivities are: inadequate stomach acid or digestive enzymes, an imbalance in your gut flora, inflammation, high histamine etc. Testing with our Naturopathic Doctors can give you more of the reasoning behind your food sensitivities.